Monday, December 7, 2009

Deer Hunting

Shot gun deer hunting kicked off this weekend and I always feel a little nervous about it. You can hear gunfire from about every direction and where I live - it would not be impossible for a stray shot to come my way if I were in the wrong place at the wrong time. So, as is the case every year, the dogs are either gated in next to the house or kept in the kennel and I avoid walking outside most of the weekend.

For the first time, Mark got a license and went hunting with our neighbor. I believe our neighbor played a large role in talking him into it - so, he went and before he knew what happened he had sacrificed an entire weekend and ended up with a deer. I have to tell ya, I am not real jazzed about this either...

I had the conversation with him about how we always admire the deer from afar, and I cannot wrap my head around being able to kill anything... and I thought he felt the same. Well, he does and he doesn't, apparently. He didn't go just for the sake of killing something, but with the intention of assisting the over population and of course having some to eat. I am not jazzed about that either (the eating part). So I had another conversation with him (after I spent most of yesterday afternoon choosing my words carefully....).

I asked him if he would be upset if I didn't eat any of it? Our neighbor is processing it and plans to mix it beef and pork and make sausage - or some other form of mystery meat product and then some tenderloins or something. I will try it - and I have eaten venison before- so I don't know where this weirdness is radiating from. We plan to give some away over the holidays to a food bank that takes fresh/frozen meat or to some neighbors that I know would really appreciate the extra bulk in their freezer. So, in that light, I don't mind it as much.

I was thinking more about it today and I think as I get older, I start to consider where our food really comes from I suppose. The meat you buy in the store has becomes less and less of a "product" to me and more and more about what lengths "man" now goes to in order to get "meat to the masses", so to speak... I don't eat much meat these days, I still like it, but there are alot of layers to that decision. I am finding that I feel much better and look much better if I get my protein from plant sources. I do eat more fish than I used to, as, whaddya do.... it's a personal decision and maybe some day I will be a meat-free'r altogether. I don't have any opinion for or against eating meat, just the "originating" side of it I guess.

One thing I do know for certain is that while M was hunting over the weekend, he spied a couple hunters shooting guns from the comfort of their vehicle parked on the roadway. Another cross section of "man" that leaves me less than impressed. To that end, I am certain these individuals must be the responsible persons for the empty beer boxes all over the roads this morning.

I have zero time for that nonsense and once again it proves for every group of people that get it right, there will always be a cross section people who would not have a clue if it were tied to their back, stuffing a sock in their mouth. Alcohol and hunting do not mix. Even I know that much.

On to the blizzard tomorrow! WOOHOOO! I think I will take some pictures and post them throughout the day so check back! Let's just see how daring Mother Nature is feeling!


Judi said...

Ah, the hunter ~ I've got one too. Well not so much anymore 'cause he worries about guys just like those in the car scattering beer cans!

Glad you had a nice Thanksgiving and I hope the pup is feeling better soon :) Judi

michaelg said...

I'm a food bank that accepts venison.

At the cabin last weekend, we heard shots in every direction too. I was just waiting for one to hit our propane tank. BOOM!

I have the same misgivings about grocery store meat. Having read "The Omnivore's Dilemma" and done some reading about the nutritional differences between grass fed beef and commercial beef, organic free range eggs and commercial eggs, I have opted to try to get my meat, eggs, etc. from small sustainable farms that raise meat the way our grandparents did. The commercial meat industry in this country is a horror story of cruelty, drugs and unsustainable practices. Yuck.

brenda k said...

Hi Judi! Pup is doing great again! Boiled hamburger and white rice for a dog does a body good! ;) Happy Holidays to you!!!

Mike-that is exactly what I am "afraid" of. Grocery store "meat". Aside from Chicken (and I buy Amish or get chicken from my neighbor who raises them the old fashioned way - in a coup and only has about 20 or so at a time and feeds them by hand two times per day)we go in with someone usually and buy a 1/4 beef or 1/4 pork that is organic or grass fed from a farm right here in the area.

Next time we do this I will give you a call - seems we always have a hard time finding that 4th person to divide one 4 ways.

I read once that if you were looking to change ONE thing in your lifestyle to NOT support factory farming it would be EGGS. Those chickens have it the worst and eggs are in HIGH demand. Thankfully, my neighbor has eggs for us too. Like my grandmas eggs! Fresh picked and the color is amazing!