Friday, September 10, 2010

Glossed Over: Nordic Fest

WHELP! It was brought to my attention by one of my dysfunctional, yet lovable friends that I never mentioned....NORDIC FEST in my blog! ( I think its because we have pictures! Janeen, Lisa and me, above)

For those who know the "MESS", and live here, it is what it is. For those that don't, it is an opportunity to experience an awesome Nordic Heritage, (my heritage). Back in the day, my parents were a HUGE part of Nordic Fest. My dad would perform hours and hours of his accordion and fiddle music with his band and my mother spent hours making lefse, in the window of the local store. My memories of the FEST are up close and personal.

Now, since Mom and Dad are gone, it has become more a venue to connect with OLD friends from high school, get hit on by people who were HOT in high school, but are now struggling for their manhood and eligibility and copious amounts of Norwegian Food, for which I love!

And, finally, a FIST FIGHT in the local bar, is always an attraction! Nothing spells "eligible bachelor" like getting yanked out of a bar by the local P.D., and reaching and yelling back at us as though we will be there waiting for you tomorrow. I adored that!

That said, I adore Decorah, Nordic Fest and all it represents! I am forever grateful to the fireman who was asking for I.D.s at the beer tent. I didn't have mine and he would not let me in!! Really? I don't look old enough? Screw the wristband, buddy! TELL ME MORE!!!
But, thanks, Janeen for stealing a wristband off the table, while I tried half heartedly to convince him I am 40 SOMETHING!


Kireliols said...

Look at you! all cute and stuff in your new photos!
I went to Luther and hung around Decorah for far too long after- had my share of Nordic Fest events- and oddly, a brawl is one of my memories too! Only not at a bar but the hippie house I lived in- nothing like a bunch of laid back hippies getting their testosterone on against a troublesome bunch of "townies"...ha ha ha-

michaelg said...

I recognize you and Janeen, but who is the one in the middle.
You look great and I could see why, in the right lighting, you could be mistaken for 20.
Did you get the evite for Fall Fiesta? Feel like venturing north?